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Latest news

November 2022

Indii has been awarded an Innovate UK grant of £50,000 to further development of Sofii and carry-out deep user testing this winter.

Pete Beckett on LinkedIn: #Innovation #Development #Funding | 67 comments

April 2022

Indii was part of the 2022 BGV cohort, receiving startup investment of £55,000 (less accelerator fees).

Indii (Raising SEIS) on LinkedIn: Meet BGV's Spring 2022 cohort

Our vision

At Indii we want to improve the day-to-day lives of disabled people, by improving accessibility at home, work and in public spaces.

Our mission

We are developing software and hardware which offer alternative ways to interact with technology to reduce digital exclusion and open up new and existing technologies to people for whom until now this has not been possible.

Our story

In 2001, at the age of 8, my sister Sophie experienced a major brain trauma which left her without the ability to speak, see or even sit up without assistance. Thankfully, over time Sophie has recovered remarkably and just two weeks ago we celebrated her 30th birthday.

However for Sophie like so many others, challenges still remain. She still requires one-to-one care on a daily basis and at times grows frustrated that she’s not able to be more independent.